51 Solo exhibitions in Europe and the U.S.
Participated in many group shows including:
Brooklyn Society of Artists Exhibition, Brooklyn Museum, 1952
Artists of Atelier 17, National Gallery, Oslo, and others, Norway 1955-56
Salon de Mai & Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Paris 1956
VI Bienal of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1961
Contemporary Spanish Painting, Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels & Museums of Helsinki, Hamburg, Bonn, Berlin & Munich, 1961
ARecent Painting USA: The Figure@, Museum of Modern Art, NYC and Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Baltimore Museum of Art, City Art Museum of St. Louis, San Francisco Museum of Art, Walker Art Center, 1962
Whitney Museum of American Art, AAnnual Exhibition@, 1962
AArte de America y España@, Madrid, Barcelona, Naples, Rome, Berne, Berlin, Lisbon, etc., 1963-64
AFirst INTRAREALIST Exhibition, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 1967
ASecond INTRAREALIST Exhibition, O=Hana Gallery, London, 1968
Fundació Miro, 1976
XXIII, XXIV and XXV Premio Internacional de Dibuix Joan Miro, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, 1984-86
AII Bienal d=Art FC Barcelona@. Grand Prize Winner for Best Work in Show, 1987
AInformalisme a Catalunya@ Centre d=Art Santa Mónica, Barcelona and Auditorio de Galicia, Sala de exposiciones , Santiago de Compostela, 1990
AL=Empordà, Terra d=Artistes, Museu d=Empordà, Figueres & Museums in Barcelona and Madrid, 1994-96
APremi de Pintura Ricard Camí@ Centre Cultural, Terrassa (Barcelona), Spain, 1999, Purchase Prize
Additional Awards (Selection)
Wooley Foundation Fellowship for Study in Paris, 1954-55
French Government Fellowship for Study in Paris, 1955-56
Fulbright Fellowship, Munich, 1956-57
First Prize, Hebrew Educational society, Brooklyn, NY 1959
Award Winner, 2nd MiniPrint International, Cadaquès, Spain, 1982
Honorable Mention (Bronze Medal), XXV Premi de Dibuix Joan Miró, 1986
Collections (Selection)
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Museo Reina Sofía de Arte Contemporáneo , Madrid
Blanton Art Museum, University of Texas, (The James A. Michener Collection) Austin, Texas
Mills College Art Gallery, Oakland, California
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Villafames (Valencia) Spain
John Hay Library, Brown University, Providence, RI
Monasterio de Santa María de Vilabertran, Girona, (Colección Avui)
Museu FC de Barcelona
University of Iowa, Monographic Acquisitions, Iowa City, Iowa
Cincinnati Art Museum
Museu de l=Empordà, Figueres, Spain
Museum of The People=s Glory, Belarus
Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, Columbia University, NY
and others........